You have the right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment. However, certain laws dictate how you must bear these arms. Regarding traveling with firearms by car, Arizona law lays out specific rules that answer this question: “Are firearms permitted to be carried inside vehicles?”
If you are facing a firearms transportation charge, the gun crime lawyers at Brandon White Law, with decades of combined criminal defense experience, are ready to speak to you and find out how we can help.
Can You Carry Loaded Gun in Your Car?
Can you have a gun in your car that is loaded? In Arizona, if you are legally permitted to possess a firearm, you are typically permitted to transport loaded firearms in your vehicle, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Some guidelines do, however, apply. Running afoul of them could result in severe criminal liability.
Age-related restrictions are in place for the transportation of all weapons, loaded and unloaded, as stated. In addition to those rules, location rules also exist. Some locations and laws forbid visitors from entering their property while carrying a loaded firearm. However, generally speaking, you are permitted to transport a loaded firearm on public roads within the state if you are allowed to own a firearm.
Can you take a shotgun along in your car? Generally speaking, yes. And if you’re wondering, “Can I keep a shotgun in my truck with my handgun?” the answer is also yes.

Can I Drive Around With a Shotgun in My Car?
In general, carrying an unloaded rifle or shotgun in a car is not against the law in California.
Can You Take a Shotgun Camping in Canada?
In general, non-restricted rifles and shotguns are the only firearms permitted for wilderness protection. However, Canadian residents may be authorized to carry a handgun or restricted long gun for wilderness protection or for lawful occupational purposes if they: are licensed to possess restricted firearms.
How Many Shells Can a Shotgun Hold Legally in Canada?
A shotgun must be plugged so that it can only hold three shells in total in the chamber and magazine.
According to Arizona gun laws, adults 18 to 20 may carry their guns in vehicles as long as the gun is an open carry. Open carry in a car entails that the gun is visible and easily identifiable to anyone who peers inside the car. Contrastingly, when a person carries a firearm concealed in a vehicle, the weapon is concealed from plain sight.